Mirror Mirror on the drawer…………….

Did you know the name Linete means “idol”?
Well today Linete Diaz is our idol……Look what Linete whipped up!
One of our customers applied mirrors under our panels
  I don’t know about you,  but I can’t get enough of  mirrored furniture
Mirror panels and myoverlays.com
It’s so bright and fresh
Linete shared with us that she used a Heavy Duty Mounting Tape instead of Liquid Nails to attach the O’verlays  panels to her 4 drawer MALM.  She said, “It was quicker and I can change the O’verlay much easier.”
“By the way,” Linete says,” I have a couple of more transformations to come!”
 We’re certainly looking forward to seeing what you transform next….
Nice work Linete!
with love,
O’verlays tm